Our School Day
Session Times
The hours spent on teaching in the normal school week are as follows:
Key Stage One - 22 hours, 55 minutes
Key Stage Two - 23 hours, 45 minutes
NB. This does not include acts of collective worship registration periods and break times.
09:00 School Starts
10:30 - 10:45 Morning Break
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 - 14:45 Afternoon Break
15:30 School Ends
At the beginning of the day teachers are very busy preparing their lessons for the day and do not usually have time for lengthy discussions with parents. If you need to pass information to the class teacher there are message slips in the main entrance hall (school office area) which will be sent around to the class. For a longer discussion, it would be appreciated if an appointment is scheduled with the class teacher.
Arriving at School
Parents arriving by car walk through the churchyard to drop off their children at the little brown gate. Parents arriving on foot via School Lane will drop off at the double wooden gate. A member of staff will be supervising the drop-off from 08:50, therefore children will not be able to access the school site before then.
Morning Routine
First thing in the morning is the time when teachers and teaching assistants are communicating the plans for the day and children are organising themselves for their learning. If you need to pass information to the class teacher there are message slips in the main entrance to the school office, which will be sent around to the class, or you can catch the class teacher after school. We request that parents do not come on to the school site or classrooms with their children.
At 08:50 a member of staff will be on duty on the playground. We would like parents to please leave as soon as their child has entered the school site, so they can get on with preparing themselves for the day. Before the bell goes at 09:00 all parents should have left, allowing children to start the day in a calm and orderly manner.
All lunches (school meals and packed lunches) are eaten in the main school buildings. Mealtime Assistants are in charge at lunchtime, but will refer to the relevant class teacher or Head of School if a problem arises. The children again line up in classes when the bell is rung at 13:10. The children then lead directly into their classes.
At End of School Day
All Classes
At 15:25 the playground bell will be rung to indicate that parents can enter the ‘school zone’ and make their way to the playground to wait for their children.
If we could ask parents to please wait outside the gates (as you all do in the morning) until the bell is rung at 15:25 so that the classes are not disturbed at the end of the day. Teachers are often reading a story to the class; giving out letters and reminding the children about things they might need for the next day at this time and having people outside the doors and windows can mean that children are not focused!
Please note that parents do not come in to the cloakroom to collect unless collecting from an after school club.
We ask that if for any reason, you are going to be late or there is a change of collection arrangements, then please inform the school, either by email, telephone or completing a ‘Message for School’ form. Under no circumstances are any parents to take children of other parents away from school unless they have permission and the child’s parent has informed the school. If children are not collected by 15:40 then the class teacher will begin phoning the contact numbers.